Want the Latest, Greatest Content Management System for Your Website? Read This!
By Frank Mathers ; August 18th, 2016

The Internet is made up of millions of websites connected together. Initially, one had to make a website offline, in the computer and then upload it to the World Wide Web. However, today you can create your website on the Internet itself. You simply get online and begin creating. One of the locations and tools that you can use to accomplish this is Wordpress.

Wordpress is an Internet-based, website creation tool that is open source in nature. It is written in PHP. This is a programming language that is used to write and build website applications. Wordpress is easily the most user-friendly and most capable tool for blogging and web content management in the world. It is a Content Management System (CMS) that anyone can use to create and maintain a website.

Millions of websites are made using Wordpress. News agencies, public relations companies, music websites, powerful corporations and well known people have built and maintained their websites using Wordpress.

The most well liked feature of Wordpress is that it is free to use. You can simply head on to the Wordpress.org website and download an installation of the CMS. This is for webmasters who prefer to self-host. If you prefer online hosting, then you can create an account on the Wordpress.com site and get a virtual installation of the CMS. You can then proceed to build your website. Here are some other features of Wordpress.

It is fully functional immediately after installation

Once you install Wordpress in your host computer, the software is fully functional and ready to work. There is very little that you need to in way of customizing it for your purpose. There are many other CMS software that requires you to go out of your way to find add-ons, plug-ins and other applications to help you access their core functions. Examples of these functions are; commenting, receiving RSS feeds as well as revision of website content. These CMS software also force you to perform extensive programming so as to gain full functionality. This is not what you experience with Wordpress. In this CMS, you get all the core functions already built in and working in an installation. There is no need to add any applications or plug-ins. It works perfectly from the get go.

It is open source

Wordpress is a CMS that is developed such that it is completely open. Developers, enthusiasts and academicians can go through Wordpress and view its source code. They can rebuild their installation and improve it. They can even suggest these improvisations to the rest of the world through online Wordpress communities. One of the development features that make this characteristic of Wordpress so attractive is that the CMS is made through a rapid development cycle. This means that there are numerous updates and latest software available for Wordpress every single day. These are offered to you with no direct payments required or fees for licensing. In addition to that, there is an active community of Wordpress enthusiasts online that is ready to support you no matter where you are.

You have complete freedom of data

There are some CMS software that limit the formats of data that you can upload to your website or web portal. They limit you to some proprietary formats of data. This can inhibit your creativity and also the presentation of your website. Thankfully, Wordpress gives you the freedom to upload whichever format of data that you want. You can also use the tools on offer to import data from online sources, use it on your website or download it for movement from one place to another. Examples of sources where you can import data from include b2, Text pattern and Blogger.

You own the software

Once you download and install the Wordpress installation, you have full rights over the software. You can do with it as you wish. You can install it in your physical host computer, your Cloud service or online in an account for shared hosting. Once the installation is in your possession, you have complete rights over it. After you use the software you build a website such as Miami SEO, you have complete control over what is in your website. You can add on or edit anything within it. Wordpress is very versatile. You can install it in an intranet or even in your own computer.

Use the installation to power as many websites as you like

Wordpress is designed such that you can use it to power as many websites as need be. This is a feature known as multi-site technology. You can create many websites using a single Wordpress installation. Moreover, you have complete administrative authority over these websites and with full security features too. In addition to that, you can design each website to be unique in its own way. It can have its unique functions, designs, group of users as well as policies that work across the entire network. You can also deploy some security updates across the board with one click of your mouse.

Perform dynamic generation of pages

The Wordpress installation allows you to perform regeneration of pages in a dynamic manner. Thanks to the design of Wordpress, you do not have to rebuild your WebPages from scratch every time you update an aspect of it. The pages are presented by a database and a template simultaneously every time a user requests them. Whenever you update your website, Wordpress applies the changes in the database and template as fast as possible. This allows for quick presentation of changes to the users.


Wordpress is a top ranked Content Management System (CMS). By using its technology, you can build simple websites as well as complicated portals. The software is free to download and utilize. It is open source. Thus,  you can adjust how it looks and even behaves. There is a worldwide community of people who are knowledgeable about Wordpress and willing to help you out. It is popularly used by many companies across the world with no complaints whatsoever.

About author

Frank Mathers is a webmaster. He has used Wordpress for his websites. He is very knowledgeable about the CMS and has contributed information for this report. Visit his blog here for more information.

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